Study in Singapore

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Why Study in Singapore? Some Facts and Rankings!!!

Singapore has many accolades pegged to its brand, bolstering the Republic’s reputation as a key regional and global hub for companies to do business. Discover key facts and rankings about Singapore today.

No. 1 city with the best investment potential
Singapore now outranks the world as an investment destination, after coming in second for 16 consecutive years.

In its BERI Report 2011-II (August 2011), US-based research institute Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI) ranked Singapore first out of 50 major investment destinations in a ranking that assesses operations, politics and foreign exchange. With no restrictions on the repatriation of profits and the import of capital, along with the most favourable operating conditions and strong diplomatic ties, Singapore’s stable political and economic climate creates an ideal environment to invest in.

Top 3 in the world for foreign trade and investment
The nation’s standing in the economic world, ideal geographic location and vibrant lifestyle are among reasons for foreign interest in Singapore.

According to the Globalisation Index 2012, Singapore came in after Hong Kong and Ireland as the country preferred for foreign trade and investment. A number of factors have contributed to this achievement, namely the country’s strategic geographic location, connected networks with the rest of the world, strong legal system and attractive tax system.
The world’s easiest place to do business
The ease of setting up a company in Singapore is a clear advantage when it comes to choosing the best place to do business.

According to the Doing Business 2012 Report by the World Bank, Singapore is the easiest place in the world to conduct business, partly due to the hassle-free way in which administrative matters are handled. Singapore helps simplify the process of setting up by making it simple to incorporate a company and register for taxes by using the same online form. Forms for construction permits, new workplace safety and healthcare regulations can also be submitted online. In addition, Singapore eased property registration by improving on its computerised system.
Top 2 most competitive city in the world
Singapore leads the pack among the rest of the global economies when it comes to maintaining its competitive edge.

According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012 by the World Economic Forum, Singapore is the best in the world in terms of lack of corruption and high government efficiency. It is also recognised for the strength of its goods and labour markets; leading globally in terms of financial market development. The country’s competitiveness is further reinforced by world-class infrastructure with excellent transportation facilities and a strong focus on education that provides personnel with the skills needed for a rapidly changing global economy.
Best business environment in Asia Pacific and the world
Singapore has the most conducive environment for business as compared to the rest of its neighbours – and the world.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Forecasts Report in December 2011, the country was ranked the most attractive as an investment location, both regionally and globally. Factors taken into consideration for ranking purposes were supportive government policies, attractive labour market conditions, a sound infrastructure and financing efficiency.
Asia’s most network-ready country
Singapore enjoys the most seamless connectivity in Asia with one of the widest telecommunications networks in the world.

Based on the Global Information Technology Report 2010 – 2011 as conducted by the World Economic Forum, Singapore has the best network-ready environment in Asia in terms of market, political and regulatory infrastructure for connectivity. There are also high levels of individual, business and government readiness and usage of technology; making the country the most conducive place for business as compared to the rest of the region.
World’s No. 2 and Asia’s No.1 for best intellectual property protection
Singapore recognises intellectual property (IP) as an invaluable asset in shaping a knowledge-based economy.

In its Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012, the World Economic Forum has ranked Singapore as having the best IP protection based on the infrastructure and incentives put in place by the government to encourage innovation by existing and emerging industries.
Asia’s least bureaucratic place to do business
Businesses who plan to invest in Singapore need not worry about the hassle of red tape or the slowing down of operations.
The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook in 2011 has deemed Singapore to be the least bureaucratic country in Asia – making it the perfect place to set up an operations base or business. Rankings were based on government interference, attractive policies, transparency and accountability.
World’s No. 7 and Asia’s No.1 for least corruption in the economy
The Singapore government practises an open and transparent approach when it comes to all business matters.

According to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook in 2011, Singapore is the least corrupt country in the region where transparency is valued highly; due to clear and strict laws and legislations imposed by the government over business dealings and transactions.
Most transparent country in Asia
Government policies in Singapore are clear and transparent when it comes to business.

The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook in 2011 recognises Singapore as a country with sound political infrastructure and policy-making procedures; leading to its ranking as the most transparent country in Asia that enjoys a stable business environment.
Best labour/employer relations in Asia
The relationship between employee and employer in the average Singapore workplace is the best in the region.

According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012 by the World Economic Forum, Singapore enjoys better working conditions and higher rates of productivity due to more open communication channels and camaraderie between employee and employer.
Asia’s best country to work in
As voted by its labour force, Singapore is the best country to earn a living in Asia.

Based on the Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012 by the World Economic Forum, besides the city’s standard of living, Singapore’s working conditions are the best in the region as employees are deemed to be better taken care of due to effective labour policies and a general employer mind-set that allows for employees to enjoy a balance in life.
Country with best quality of life in Asia
Singapore has been ranked the best place to live, work and play as compared to its neighbouring countries.

Based on the Quality of Living Worldwide City Rankings in the Mercer Survey 2011, Singapore has the best environment, facilities and infrastructure available for citizens to enjoy a good quality of life due to a stable political climate, world-class transportation and healthcare system as well as entertainment variety.
Business-centric immigration laws for foreign talent
Singapore’s convenient geographic location has made it an ideal hub for foreign talent.

According to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook in 2011, Singapore has a relatively open labour policy that is business-centric and foreign talent-friendly.

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