Study in Singapore

Friday, 29 June 2012

Singapore remains top convention city in Asia

SINGAPORE - Singapore maintained its position as Asia's top convention city for the 10th consecutive year in the latest rankings by the International Congress and Convention Association, the Singapore Tourism Board said on Tuesday.
It is also the only Asian city in the top five convention cities worldwide alongside Vienna, Barcelona, Paris and Berlin, which took the top four positions.

Singapore welcomed a record 13.2 million visitors last year. Business visitors accounted for 24 percent of the total visitor arrivals in Singapore. Expenditure by these business travelers increased by 4.1 percent to an estimated 5.6 billion Singapore dollars ($4.4 billion) or 25 percent of the total tourism receipts.
The meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) industry saw a year-on-year growth of 46 percent in the number of conventions, conferences and trade shows held in Singapore last year.
Neeta Lachmandas, assistant chief executive of Singapore Tourism Board said Singapore's success can be attributed to factors such as a vibrant eco-system that nurtures business events of exceptional quality, the dynamic growth in Asia, and the dedication of the industry partners.

"Singapore aims to continue leveraging the growing opportunities in Asia and our strong knowledge network to further strengthen our position as a preferred MICE destination," she said. "Singapore strives to differentiate itself by co-creating and developing a strong network of business events within Singapore's key priority industries.
Madrid and London came in the sixth and seventh positions, respectively, while Amsterdam took the eighth position. Istanbul was ranked the ninth, followed by Beijing in the tenth position.

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